Artificial heart pump plus drug British new method of treatment of heart failure

According to China International Radio reported congestive heart failure referred to as heart failure or heart failure, is a more common heart disease. It has a high mortality rate, with a one-year mortality rate of 50% among critically ill patients. The New England Journal of Medicine, published November 2, featured articles by British scientists in treating patients with severe heart failure using a combination of drugs and artificial heart pumps. The article said that the use of this method of treatment of severe heart failure, the patient's recovery rate can be increased by 3 times the usual treatment, and these recovered patients have been living a healthy 4 years. More than four years ago, a medical team at Hareford Hospital in Middlesex, England, made a new attempt to treat severe heart failure. They used the drug to treat the heart while transplanting artificial heart pumps to patients. Their theory is that artificial heart pumps can rest the diseased heart; meanwhile, medical treatment of the heart can restore the swollen heart to normal size.

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