Tellomar retarder's good long-distance transportation user affirmation and recommendation

Liaoning Huludao Shipyard is a large-scale state-owned shipyard that produces military products and civilian goods. Some transport vehicles carry important materials for long-distance transportation and travel between Yunhe, Guihe and Chuan. Due to the long downhill slope of the vehicle and the steepness of the mountain road, the brakes are frequently used in frequency, and the braking performance is more demanding.

Five years ago, the shipyard vehicle successfully installed Tellabs Ma retarder, greatly improving the reliability and safety of the brakes, and the frequency of maintenance and replacement brake pads and tires also greatly reduced, the original two, three months To repair a brake pad, only to replace the brake pad after three years, effectively protect the vehicle's attendance and the safe transportation of important materials.

The installation of Tellomar retarder greatly improves the reliability and safety of the brake The installation of Tellomar retarder greatly improves the reliability and safety of the brake

At the end of May 2018, when team manager Zhu proposed a new car, he first thought of installing the Talemar retarder. Manager Zhu also recommended Tallama retarder products with other users, and personally told the benefits of installing a retarder.

The Silver Award is not as complimenting as the user. This is also the brand pursuing of the Taylor Mali retarder.


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