Copper ore beneficiation technology According to the physical and chemical properties of different minerals in the ore, after the ore is crushed and ground, the re-election method, flotation method, magnetic separation method, electric selection method, etc. are used to open the useful minerals and gangue minerals. Mineral processing technology, and the separation of various commensal useful minerals as much as possible, to remove or reduce harmful impurities, to obtain the materials used in smelting or other industrial raw materials are mineral processing techniques.
The partial ore dressing technology and concentrate quality of copper mines in China have reached the international advanced level, but the characteristics of China's copper ore fine, miscellaneous, poor ore and many types, the new requirements of iron ore concentrates for iron concentrates to China's mineral processing workers A new challenge has been raised. Therefore, China's metallurgical mining mineral processing technology as well as a deeper development:
(1) In the use of pharmaceuticals in mineral processing equipment, emphasis should be placed on the development of highly adaptable, high-efficiency, low-temperature, non-toxic agents for various ores; research on simultaneous preparation and simultaneous addition of pharmaceutical agents; High-efficiency collector capable of flotation of non- quartz silicate gangue minerals and expansion of the application range of reverse flotation process.
(2) In the beneficiation technology, we should continue to pay attention to the technology of iron concentrate and iron reduction in iron concentrates. At the same time, we should pay attention to the research on the technology of reducing other harmful impurities, including S, P, K, Na and F.
(3) Research on the fine-grained red iron ore and composite polymetallic red iron ore beneficiation technology should be further strengthened to further improve the utilization rate of lean red iron ore in China.
(4) In the aspect of grinding and sorting equipment, the ball mill is mainly used to grind the ore and grind it. In the future, the introduction and cooperative development of energy-saving superfine pulverizing equipment (ball mill, PCX) should be promoted. Digest foreign advanced technology and equipment work, and improve the overall technical and equipment level of China's iron ore as soon as possible. At the same time, we will consider the development and research work of the coarse-grain tailing process and related equipment. The development of energy-saving beneficiation equipment capable of effectively recovering fine-grained iron minerals should be further strengthened, including permanent magnetization of strong magnetic equipment, fine-grain flotation machine and flotation column. More in-depth study of multi-cylinder magnetic separators with multi-segment selection performance.
(5) In the aspect of filtration and dewatering equipment : 1 research and development of high-efficiency filter media; 2 development of multi-functional integrated components to enhance sealing; 3 development of composite filtration technology equipment; 4 equipment large-scale, energy-saving and automation.
(6) The research topic in flotation equipment is to develop towards large-scale and energy-saving, the lower limit of flotation granularity is reduced, and the composite force field is introduced into the flotation machine. In addition, the automatic control of flotation machine should also be strengthened. . There is still a lot of work to be done on the application of flotation columns in iron ore mines, which has great prospects.
(7) While promoting the application of high-quality iron concentrate beneficiation technology represented by magnetic separation-reverse flotation and high-efficiency magnetic separation (magnetic re-election), the beneficiation process should be as efficient and simple as possible, so it should be strengthened. Research on mineral processing equipment and beneficiation process to achieve the best results in the most appropriate process. The reverse flotation process has important application prospects for improving the recovery rate of metals, and research on reverse flotation reagents should be actively strengthened.
Copper ore beneficiation technology is based on the characteristics of the selected ore and the form in which the selected ore is present. Mineral processing technology is a science and technology based on the disciplines of physical, chemical and biological dressing typical equipment. Physical methods include washing, screening, re-election, magnetic separation of common minerals, chemical beneficiation methods such as flotation techniques, leaching, etc., which use chemicals to alter the differential properties of mineral surfaces, and biological methods such as bacterial oxidative beneficiation techniques. Manganese ore beneficiation methods commonly used mechanical dressing (including washing, screening, re-election, high intensity magnetic separation and flotation), and fire enrichment, chemical processing method. In general, mineral processing technology is a technical method for extracting useful materials from ore. Low-temperature vulcanization roasting-recycling technology for copper, gold and silver recovery. There are many methods for mineral processing. According to the content of ore in the ore, the geographical position of the ore. The method of mineral ore storage varies from mine to mine. You can choose to transport ore to the mine over long distances, or you can choose to extract while mining.
Low-temperature vulcanization roasting-recycling method for recovering copper, gold and silver is a low-grade vulcanization roasting-flotation combined process for low-grade refractory combined copper oxide ore and its associated precious metals, so that the artificially vulcanized copper and its associated precious metals are The ore matrix is ​​extracted to obtain an excellent flotation effect. Compared with direct beneficiation or direct wet leaching, it has the advantages of low cost, simple process flow, low equipment investment, low energy consumption, easy realization and no pollution.
Copper ore beneficiation technology According to the physical and chemical properties of different minerals in copper ore, after the ore is crushed and ground, the useful minerals are separated from the gangue minerals by re-election, flotation, magnetic separation, and electro-election. And the techniques used to separate and reduce the various commensal useful minerals as much as possible to remove or reduce harmful impurities to obtain raw materials for smelting or other industries are mineral processing techniques.
Mineral processing enriches useful components, reduces fuel consumption, transportation and other consumption during smelting or other processing, so that low-grade lean ore can be used for economical beneficiation typical equipment. The data obtained from the ore dressing test is the main basis for the evaluation of the deposit and the design of the plant. Beneficiation techniques are applied to the process of physically or chemically separating useful minerals from unwanted minerals (usually called gangues) or hazardous minerals, or separating a variety of useful minerals. In the product, the concentrate is rich in useful components; the tailings are enriched in useless components; the content of useful components is between concentrate and tailings, and it needs to be further processed.
Metal mineral concentrates are mainly used as raw materials for metal extraction in the smelting industry; non-metallic mineral concentrates are used as raw materials for other industries; coal is selected as clean coal. Mineral processing can significantly improve the quality of mineral raw materials, reduce transportation costs, reduce the difficulty of further processing, reduce processing costs, and achieve comprehensive utilization of mineral raw materials. Due to the increasing scarcity of mineral resources in the world and the increasing use of lean and complex ore, the amount of ore that needs beneficiation is increasing. At present, in addition to a few rich ores, metals and non-metals (including dressings have evolved from the handling of coarse-grained materials to fine-grained materials, from the treatment of simple ores to complex ores, from the simple use of physical methods to the use of physical and chemical methods and chemical methods). In the early days, people picked them by hand; later, they used simple panning tools to select metal minerals from river sands.
The raw materials used in copper ore beneficiation technology, if they contain soluble useful or harmful components, are also washed. Washing can be carried out in a scrubber or in a screening and sorting facility . Screening and grading of typical equipment for ore dressing According to the size of the sieve mesh, the materials are divided into different sizes and sieves, which are often used to treat coarser materials. According to the different sedimentation speed of the particles in the medium (usually water), the materials are divided into different equal-grading levels, which are called classification, and are used for materials with smaller particle size. Screening and grading are the separation of materials of appropriate size during the comminution process, or the separation of materials into different particle size levels.
Copper ore beneficiation technology is based on grinding and impact. The crushed product is ground to a particle size of 10 to 300 μm. The particle size of the mill is determined by the particle size of the useful mineral in the ore and the sorting method employed. Commonly used grinding equipments are: rod mills, ball mills, self-grinding mills and semi-autogenous mills. Grinding operations have high energy consumption and usually account for about half of the total energy consumption of the beneficiation. Since the 1980s, various new linings and other measures have been applied, the grinding efficiency has been improved, and the energy consumption has decreased. The crushing breaks the mined piece of the mine with a particle size of 500-1500 mm to a particle size of 5-25 mm. There are crushing, crushing, chopping, etc., which are generally carried out in three sections: coarse crushing, medium crushing and fine crushing.
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