Monitoring explosion-proof construction details

Monitoring explosion-proof construction details
Is the cable type used in the monitoring system appropriate? Because it is very difficult to replace the communication line once it is completed, what line should be used for the line, it is not possible to steal work or replace it.
Explosion-proof pipeline cable should be of the appropriate type when it is used. It is necessary to use the RSG tube to use the EMT tube. This is a mistake made by many manufacturers and deliberately reduce costs.
If metal hose or explosion-proof hose is used, it can be configured with armor material in the case of danger of impact.
Cables used in explosion-proof pipelines should be considered for their withstand voltage values ​​to avoid thermal effects or short-circuit combustion explosions.
There may be no connection in the pipeline; if it is necessary, the line relay should be handled with the explosion-proof junction box, and the cable connection cannot be directly carried out in the pipeline.
The cable cable should not be damaged in appearance, and the outer skin should be used without damage.
The explosion-proof pipeline should be connected to the terminal block when entering the explosion-proof box or the equipment box terminal cable. The copper wire should not be connected to the bus to avoid sparks.
The tightness of the pipeline of explosion-proof cabinets, pipes and metal hoses must be considered. At the end of the entry, the joints should be connected with the anti-report joints and filled with explosion-proof powder or explosion-proof paste to prevent the line joint between the pipeline and the equipment.
Explosion-proof pipelines shall be constructed of steel pipes with galvanized thick pipes, and NPT dies shall be used instead of EMT pipe casings.
The joint of the explosion-proof pipeline should be tight and not loose. The pipeline should be sealed with an explosion-proof powder seal to prevent electrical sparks in the area of ​​the equipment body and the inlet about 30-45cm.
The location of the explosion-proof pipe connection on the pipeline and the drain hole on the explosion-proof box should be at the lowest point of the pipeline.
The construction of the explosion-proof pipeline system shall be completely placed in the pipeline. When crossing the dangerous areas of different explosion-proof regulations, there shall be a buried seal or a groove seal connection.
Explosion-proof cable construction method should use pressure-proof explosion-proof joints or safety joints at the entrance and exit of monitoring or pipeline connection equipment.
All explosion-proof pipelines and monitoring equipment, explosion-proof equipment boxes and blockers must be grounded. At the same time, ensure that the grounding connection diameter and grounding terminal are in compliance with the regulations and corrosion-resistant.
The grounding of explosion-proof equipment must meet the general grounding requirements, and the electrical resistance must comply with the electrical regulations.
Explosion-proof camera equipment requires strict equipotential grounding, so it is advisable to use only one grounding for the grounding security.
Explosion-proof camera terminals should use electronic surge protection and open circuit protection equipment to ensure equipment safety.
The distance between the monitoring pressure-proof explosion-proof box and the surrounding process objects should be kept at a certain distance. If the explosion-proof equipment specified in IIA is kept at least 10mm, to the higher IIB regulations, the explosion-proof equipment should be kept at least 30mm, to IIC? Explosion-proof equipment must be at least 40mm away from other equipment.
Equipment grounding and line safety lines shall be kept separate or separated by metal partitions in the explosion-proof box or distribution box.
The high-voltage and low-voltage lines should be disposed in different cable tubes or trunks in the pipeline configuration. Otherwise, partitions must be separated.
Explosion-proof electrical pipeline construction piping, electrical equipment metal shell and cable shield should be grounded, and metal piping indirect continuation (Bonding) should be connected to the pipeline grounding wire to connect the two sections of piping.
Explosion-proof piping piping threaded joints must be at least 5 teeth apart.
The explosion-proof camera tube chaotic pipeline cable must have a bend radius of at least greater than 8 times the cable radius.
Explosion-proof cameras should be pre-installed with protective covers and camera lenses, etc., and camera assembly cannot be performed in the fire-free area.
The fixing metal screws of all explosion-proof equipment must be made of stainless steel #SuS316 to avoid rust and seizure.
Pipe cutting must also be carried out outside the explosion-proof area. The preset work must not enter the fire area for pipe cutting;
It is best for the construction workers in the explosion-proof area to wear cotton overalls and cotton belts to avoid the danger of explosion caused by the static electricity generated by the general clothes.
Cameras and other equipment are installed in the explosion-proof area, and can be clamped with metal galvanized fixtures. As far as possible, the chemical installation anti-report monitoring system does not need to be welded or drilled with bolts.
PTZ cameras are better integrated, because too many line contacts increase the risk of explosion.
Infrared projection lamps are not suitable for use in explosion-proof areas. They can only be used in non-explosion-proof areas. Do not make such mistakes.

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