At present, in the agricultural production, insecticide mainly depends on pesticides and other chemical agents and insecticide lamps. If the advantages and disadvantages of these two insecticide methods are analyzed, it can be clearly seen that insecticide lamps are used. Insects are highly skilled, especially with the introduction of solar insecticidal lamps, the use of insecticidal lamps can be used to a wider range of pollution-free insecticide technologies. Moreover, from the perspective of agricultural development, the use of solar-powered insecticidal lamps in agricultural production has a longer-term value, and is more in line with the actual development needs of modern and vigorously promoting green and pollution-free agriculture.
The use of drugs to kill insects is a temporary measure adopted before solar insecticidal lamps have been widely promoted. This method is designed to prevent pests from appearing in the long term and disappear after the efficacy disappears. It is a temporary solution. The method, and this method is extremely harmful to the agricultural environment, but also seriously affects the quality of agricultural products and ecological balance, and therefore is not suitable for large-scale promotion and use. The solar insecticidal lamp adopts a physical insecticide method, which uses solar power, light trapping, and high-frequency power grid to kill insects. It is harmless to agriculture. The entire insecticidal process will not produce toxic substances. Therefore, the solar energy insecticide lamp is used in agricultural environments. It is very friendly and very consistent with the requirements of sustainable agricultural development.
Solar insecticidal lamps are simple to install, easy to manage, and powered by solar energy, which also saves electricity costs. After the application of solar insecticidal lamps in agriculture, it can reduce the injection amount of ordinary pesticides by about 80%. The long-term value is self-evident. Moreover, with the increasing expectations of modern society for environmental protection and green agricultural products, if farmland or orchards can use solar insecticidal lamps for pest control and prevention, the fruits produced will be safer and healthier, and will naturally be affected by people. Loved it, so when you are still pestering insecticide, quickly introduce the most popular solar insect lamp nowadays!
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Aluminum Die Casting Communication Equipment Parts
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