The “Southern Food North Transportation” market is affected by the new winter market in South China.

[ China Agricultural Machinery Industry News ] The data shows that China's facility vegetable area has exceeded 60 million mu, and the annual output is close to 300 million tons, which provides a strong guarantee for the seasonal and balanced supply of vegetables in China. When the “winter leisure” in the north became “winter busy”, the status of “winter baskets” in Hainan and Guangxi will inevitably be affected. When the market of “Nan Cai Bei Yun” is hit, the new market position of winter vegetables in winter where is it?

The “Southern Food North Transportation” market is affected by the new winter market in South China.
Before New Year's Day in 2017, more than 4,000 mu of cucumbers in Yazhou City of Sanya City could not be sold when they were listed. The price is as low as 150 yuan. No one wants a car. Even some farmers pick it up to feed the cows and feed the sheep. Just go. After the local government invited the merchants to take measures such as subsidy, sales and other measures, the market price returned to more than 7 cents a pound, but it is still difficult for the vegetable farmers to recover the cost.
In the past few years, the phenomenon of falling prices in Hainan's winter melons has become more frequent, and farmers are increasingly unable to understand the laws of the market. How to put the quasi-market demand out of the "high yield and not good harvest" cycle has become a problem that Hainan agriculture has to face.
Dilemma: hit the car with the mainland greenhouse
According to the analysis of Sanya City Agriculture Bureau, the reason for the slow sales of cucumber in Yazhou District is that the weather in Hainan is good this year, the temperature is high, and the harvest is generally high, and the yield per mu is 7-8 kilograms. Second, the greenhouse cucumbers in the mainland are listed at the same time, due to Hainan transportation. The cost is higher and the merchants are greatly reduced.
"A decade ago, from December to May of the following year, there was basically no leeks in the mainland. Hainan could sell whatever it was." Hainan Xinfadi Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd., executive vice president of Hainan, engaged in the cultivation and distribution of vegetables and vegetables for many years. Manager Li Xincheng said frankly, everyone knows that growing vegetables in winter makes more money. In the winter, driven by high vegetable prices, the area of ​​greenhouse vegetables in the mainland has increased year by year. The “space period” of Hainan winter melons has been continuously compressed, and the advantages have gradually weakened.
Li Xincheng said that according to the statistics of Beijing Xinfadi Market, in addition to Hainan, the domestic winter melon production areas include Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian, Shandong, Anhui, Henan and other places. The greenhouse facilities will extend the listing period of autumn melons in the Mainland. In February of the following year, the demand for winter melons in Hainan was reduced to a certain extent.
Adjustment: planting to keep up with new consumer tastes
"In addition to the 'empty period' is severely compressed, the impact of the variety coincidence is greater." Li Xincheng said that in addition to the sage, cowpea, bitter gourd, loofah, cantaloupe, watermelon and other varieties with higher light and heat demand, pepper, cucumber Almost all kinds of large-scale goods, such as eggplant, can be planted in the greenhouse.
In the case of the same variety and the same quality, away from the market and high freight rates, it has become a hurdle for Hainan's winter melons. In addition, the production cost of the Shanghai South Labor Force is generally higher than that of the mainland, and there is no advantage in the market sales price.
According to estimates, in the case of transportation to Beijing, the transportation cost of a pound of melons in Hainan is 1 million more expensive than that in Guangdong. It is more expensive than that in Guangxi, and there is no way to compare it in North China and Northeast China. In terms of planting costs, Hainan artificially About 150 yuan, due to low soil organic matter content, low pH, high cost of fertilization, the production cost per kilogram of melon and vegetables is nearly 3 cents higher.
Although Hainan's winter melons are almost unsalable every year, the reporter found that not all the individual qualities are unsalable. Like this year, only ordinary cucumbers can't be sold, but the fruit cucumbers are in short supply. There is no one in the previous year's thick-skinned peppers. It is nearly ten times higher.
It can be seen that the aging and homogeneity of the varieties is the main reason for the dilemma of the sea squash vegetable market. Huang Zhengen, chief agronomist of the Agriculture Department of Hainan Province, said in an interview with the media that with the changes in people's living habits and tastes, the varieties of fruits and vegetables will be updated in about five or six years, while many farmers in Hainan are more than 10 years old. .
More and more Hainan farmers have realized that the era of Hainan winter melon menu can be monopolized by natural temperature advantage, and it is necessary to work hard on tropical varieties.
Way out: What others can't produce is the selling point
Xinfadi has more than 10,000 mu of planting bases in Hainan. In addition to guaranteeing the supply of vegetables in Hainan, it also grows some winter vegetables and vegetables in the north, but there is basically no slow sales. Li Xincheng said that before the start of winter planting, the company will send people to find out the planting area, variety and listing period of winter melons, and then comprehensively analyze the planting varieties and areas, and these individual farmers simply cannot do it. Governments and enterprises can only guide farmers to plant and cannot impose restrictions.
"The promotion of new varieties is slow, and the crux of the problem is that farmers are afraid of selling." Xiao Rixin, director of the Institute of Vegetables and Vegetables of Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that Hainan farmers need to increase the courage and awareness of accepting new varieties, and don't wait for new varieties of foreign species to make money. Planting again, without a competitive advantage, the ability to resist risks will be weak. At the same time, it also needs leading agricultural enterprises.
It is understood that Hainan Xinfa Land introduced new varieties of sacred fruit and eggplant from France and India this year. The western food restaurant in the mainland, under the support of the government, concentrated the seedlings and sold them to the surrounding people. Li Xincheng said that according to the current sales price, the net income per mu is not less than 5,000 yuan.
“Any new variety of melons and vegetables will be put on the market, and it will take time to cultivate the market. The sales of sea squash vegetables mainly rely on foreign purchasers. The two sides have not yet formed a positive interaction.” Xiao Rixin believes that Hainan needs to be like the new land. There are market resources, and agricultural leading enterprises with planting technology to drive neighboring farmers to plant new varieties, and truly take advantage of Hainan's tropical climate resources.
In recent years, under the efforts of governments and agricultural enterprises in various parts of Hainan, a number of characteristic agricultural brands such as Lingshui Shengqi Fruit, Suichang Bitter Melon, Wanning Watermelon, Sanya Mango and Ledong Hami Melon have gradually taken the right track.
In 2016, Li Xiaoli, a rural villager in Lingshui County, earned 200,000 yuan from 10 acres of saint fruit grown in accordance with GAP International Good Agricultural Standards. After careful analysis, it is not difficult to see that these varieties of crops with good market sales are all varieties with higher requirements for light and heat resources, and it is difficult for mainland greenhouse facilities to produce products of the same quality.
Huang Zhengen believes that the cost of transportation should not become a hurdle for Hainan's agriculture. It should give full play to the tropical climate and ecological advantages, make a fuss about the green ecology, and strive to build Hainan's tropical characteristic agriculture, and strive for quality in standard production and efficiency in quality. It is not blindly pursuing an increase in scale and output.

(Original title: "Southern cuisine on the north" where is the difficulty of selling new profit space)

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