China Drying Network According to the Wall Street Journal, Ernst & Young said in its report on Monday that the outlook for market demand for international minerals and metals products in 2013 is still good, cost competitiveness and implementation of projects will be the highest next year. Important task.
The report pointed out that the fluctuations caused by the global economy in the past 12 months and the significant increase in costs caused by the rapid expansion will cause the mining companies' business environment in 2013 to change greatly.
Mike Elliott, head of Ernst & Young's Global Mining and Metals Division, said that volatility has raised shareholders' risk aversion and has increased pressure on mining companies to require them to increase the efficiency of their promised projects without investing or investing in new projects.
In addition to cost competitiveness and project implementation, the recovery of capital for growth, handling relationships with local community shareholders, and balancing capital constraints with overseas direct investment obligations will also be important tasks for mining companies next year.
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